Finance Intern

Info Terbaru Seputar Pekerjaan dari Perusahaan Jendela Group sebagai posisi Finance Intern. Jika Lowongan Kerja Sales di Jakarta ini sesuai dengan kriteria anda silahkan langsung mengirimkan lamaran / CV Terbaru anda melalui situs loker terkini dan terupdate Lokerindo.ID

Setiap pekerjaan mungkn tidak lah mudah untuk di lamar, karena sebagai kandidat baru / calon pegawai harus memenuhi beberapa kualifikasi dan persyaratan sesuai dengan kriteria yang dicari dari Perusahaan tersebut. Semoga info karir dari Jendela Group sebagai posisi Finance Intern dibawah ini sesuai dengan Kualifikasi anda.

  • Membuat Invoice dari data yang sudah direcap oleh team
  • Mengirimkan Invoice dan memastikan agar diterima dengan baik
  • Recap Invoice yang telah dibuat
  • Bersedia Membantu Divisi Finance
  • Memastikan Inovice sudah terbuat dan terkirim dengan baik ketujuan
  • Minimum Qualifications: Lulusan SMK / S1 dari jurusan Akutansi atau Keuangan
  • Bersedia berkomitmen menjalani internship selama 3 bulan
  • Teliti dan memiliki keinginan belajar yang tinggi
  • Komunikatif, ulet, percaya diri dan cekatan dalam bekerja
  • Memahami / mengerti Basic knowledge Akuntansi, Pajak Pph23 dan Ppn
  • Familiar menggunakan Ms Office dan Excel
  • Bersedia Bekerja di Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat
Jendela360 is a leading apartment rental platform in Indonesia. We connect renter and apartment owner with the help of technology such as: 360 Virtual Tour and Payment processing that able to turn payment into installment up to 12x. Nowadays We see traffic jam is getting worse everywhere in the city. It would take anywhere around 2-6 hours to commute from home to working/business place EACH DAY. The current solution offered, does not solve the problem properly. not to mention the enactment of new regulations that are very restrictive, such as odd-even rules. And for one to purchase a landed house in the middle of the city, especially for the younger generation, is now nearly impossible. If We see in this point of view, We can see that Apartment living currently provide the best solution available (and will continue to do so in the future). With its location usually strategic to business center and other essential places in town. The completeness of facilities offered on the apartment. No wonder Apartment become the most favorable solution to this problem. Unfortunately, finding apartment may proved to be a very tough process, especially for the first timer. From the step of browsing and gathering all the information scattered on the web, contacting agent one by one, assessing whether the agent is trustable or not, up to negotiating price, and ultimately the heavy burden one must carry to pay 1 year upfront rental cost would be a big turn off for lots of people try to rent an apartment. We believe such a pain process, should be eliminated. By putting a higher standard, and helpful advisor to help people find an Apartment suitable for their needs, and budget. We do that by connecting them with the best agent that specialized in that area, also by giving them the touch of technology like Virtual Tour where user able to virtually walk around the apartment unit, and make sure the unit their after is favorable for them. Ultimately We give people the ease to pay by monthly-base instead of heavy upfront payment. This way Jendela360 is not only saves people time, but also solving the problem with the new superior experience! If you feel thrilled and excited reading the above description. We challenge you to join out boat with goal to revolutionize the archaic, yet lucrative property industry, together with our solid, highly passionate and dedicated team. If you think youre the right person, Lets ride together

Informasi Tambahan :

  • Perusahaan : Jendela Group
  • Posisi : Finance Intern
  • Lokasi : Jakarta
  • Negara : ID

Cara Mengirimkan Lamaran :

Setelah Membaca dan telah mengetahui kriteria dan kebutuhan minimum kualifikasi yang telah dijelaskan dari info pekerjaan Finance Intern di kota Jakarta diatas dengan demikian jobseeker yang merasa belum memenuhi persyaratan meliputi pendidikan, umur, dll dan memang merasa berminat dengan lowongan kerja terbaru Finance Intern, pada bulan ini 2025 diatas, hendaknya secepatnya untuk melengkapi dan menyusun berkas lamaran kerja seperti surat lamaran kerja, CV atau daftar riwayat hidup, FC ijazah dan transkrip dan pelengkap lainnya seperti yang telah dijelaskan diatas, guna mendaftar dan mengikuti seleksi masuk penerimaan pegawai baru diperusahaan yang dimaksud, dikirim melalui link Halaman Selanjutnya di bawah ini.

Proses Selanjutnya

Perhatian - Dalam proses rekrutmen, perusahaan yang sah tidak pernah menarik biaya dari kandidat. Jika ada perusahaan yang menarik biaya wawancara, tes, reservasi tiket, dll hindari karena ada indikasi penipuan. Jika Anda melihat sesuatu yang mencurigakan, silakan hubungi kami:

Tanggal Tayang : 2025-01-15